Featured Resources: Greasewood Tablettes, Great Basin History of Medicine Program, & JiTT App
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Greasewood Tablettes & the Great Basin History of Medicine Program
Greasewood Tablettes Archive: https://epubs.nsla.nv.gov/statepubs/epubs/704695-index.html
Great Basin History of Medicine Program: https://med.unr.edu/hom
In 1989, the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine established the Great Basin History of Medicine program to study and preserve the history of health care and health sciences in Nevada. It supports an oral history program and hosts research and student essay competitions. In addition, it publishes monographs and a free newsletter, Greasewood Tablettes, which features history of medicine stories from Nevada and the Great Basin. The program, in conjunction with the Washoe County Medical Society, has a museum displaying medical artifacts and a library at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine
Just in Time Teaching Infographic App (JiTT)
About JiTT: https://medicine.hofstra.edu/pdf/faculty/facdev/facdev-home-jittintro.pdf
Get JiTT from the Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jitt-infographics/id1536470883
Get JiTT from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.multieducator.jitt&hl=en_US&gl=US&pli=1
The JiTT app is a tool to aid clinical teaching through a variety of infographics to aid clinical teaching of medical students, residents, and fellows. The app is intended for trainees and faculty to be use in their daily clinical teaching. The app includes infogrpahics on foundational teaching principles such as setting expectations, questioning techniwues, feedback and coaching as well as infographics on topics pertinent to internal and family medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, psychiatry, neurology, and subspecialties as well. Teaching topics include:
How To Perform an OB/GYN History
How To Teach To Evaluate for Rupture of Membrane/Amniotic Fluid
Teaching Neurologic Imaging
Teaching the Neurologic Exam
How To Teach Conducting Abdominal Exam for Surgery
Teaching to Prepare a Student for the Operating Room
Teaching Functional History
How To Deliver Challenging News
Teaching in the Operating Room
Bedside Teaching for Mobility Assessment
Teaching Manual Muscle Testing
Teaching How to Conduct PM&R Consults
Teaching Family centered Rounds with Patients and Families
Teaching Pre-Family Centered Rounds Outside of the Room
Teaching Psychotherapies
A Framework for teaching the Biosocial Formulation
Using the Socratic Method in Teaching
Teaching Abdominal Imaging
How to Interpret an Abdominal Image■